In view of the very high and demanding requirements of the pharmaceutical industry in terms of machinery and process equipment, Hosokawa Alpine's Pharmapaktor APC C roller press is a suitable solution for processing pharmaceutical powders in the compaction-granulation process with a single machine.
The pharmaceutical actuator has gap and screw control. The gap adjustment is electromechanical, guaranteeing consistent flaking properties and low maintenance. The ergonomic machine design and the special hygienic design allow for efficient cleaning, also as a wash-in-place (WIP) version.
The Pharmapaktor C is dust-tight (up to OEB 3) and can be designed with an appropriate isolator/containment system up to an Occupational Exposure Band 5 (OEB 5).
The Pharmapaktor C is available in a variety of working widths. Depending on the product properties, batches as small as 50 g can be processed with the small machine design in the R&D area. With the largest working width, throughputs of up to 150 kg/h can be achieved.