Die heads series X
Die heads series X
Die heads series X
Die heads series X
Die heads series X

Die heads series X

Our die head technology for multiple-layer films is your key to highest film quality.

  • The melt feeds in the spiral mandrel manifold are arranged and optimized such that an extremely high fluidic and thermal homogeneity of the melt is achieved. This eliminates so-called “portlines” when coextruding blown films.
  • An outstanding appearance with optimum film thickness tolerances – even in the individual layers
  • Short rinsing times – providing the quickest program change on the market!



  • Reduced raw material loss due to quickest material changes (extremely short flow paths and round channels)
  • High system availability due to low tendency of deposits in the melt carrying channels (self-cleaning effect)
  • High output rates at low pressure levels
  • Good accessibility thanks to compact design
  • All surfaces in contact with polymer are coated
  • Large area for the use of internal cooling

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It’s not just building a machine – we support your projects from consulting to maintenance.