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We are a BVMID Top Employer 2024!

- The Federal Association of SMEs in Germany recognises us as an attractive employer in the SME sector.

The German labour market is currently characterised by a shortage of skilled workers. Applicants often have several good offers to choose from. It is therefore helpful if quality seals show them the way through the jungle of potential employers. One such seal is the "Top Employer" from the Bundesvereinigung Mittelstand in Deutschland (BVMID). And we are now also allowed to carry it.

In order to receive this seal, companies have to go through a process in which they are assessed according to various criteria. These include future-orientation, sustainability and the environment, innovation and competitiveness, employee development and qualifications as well as corporate culture and employee commitment. We are delighted to have been included in the group of companies that bear this seal!

The Bundesvereinigung Mittelstand in Deutschland (BVMID) is a business network that works to strengthen the economic, social and political interests of SMEs. It brings people from different sectors together to exchange knowledge and share expertise.

Do you want to find out why we are a top employer? Then take a look at our current vacancies now!